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Bagel Grove Gifts Bags

Your Questions Answered

What is your local delivery area?

We deliver locally to a 10 mile radius. View our our local delivery map.

Can I order for today?

We offer same day pick-up and delivery for local customers. You can also pre-order for a future date.

Please place your same day, or pre-order, through our Cafe's online ordering.

Can I add a gift message?

All our gifts come with an optional card that matches the occasion for your gift. Our cards are blank inside for your custom message.

Occasions: "A Gift For You" "With Sincere Sympathy" and "Happy Holidays"

If you don't provide a gift message we will simply write "from" and the name you give us at checkout.

How do I add my gift message online?

At the bottom of the individual gift's product page, we'll ask you to choose the occasion for your gift.

Underneath the choices of cards there is a spot to type your custom message. It's under the heading "special instructions."

What items go in a Gift bag?

Want to send a dozen bagels and cream cheese? No problem. Want to add coffee, chocolates, a bagel slicer? Absolutely! Choose from a variety of sizes and options.
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What sizes do you offer?

We have a variety of sizes as well as a build-your-own option.

1/2 Dozen Gift Bag: 1/2 dozen bagels and 8oz cream cheese flavor of your choice. *

Dozen Bagel Gift Bag: 1 Dozen bagels & 8oz cream cheese flavor of your choice. *

Build-Your-Own Gift Bag: Minimum of 1 Dozen bagels. Add on to this gift as much as you from a wide variety of choices.

*Optional jelly packets or mini chocolates

What do they look like?

All sizes of our gift bags come with a gift card, colorful tissue, and a bow and the goodies packed inside.

We decorate your bag according to the occasion you pick for the gift card & what you add on your message.

For example: If you choose "A Gift For You" card and write a custom message "Congrats on your new baby! Love, The Browns" we will decorate the bag for a new baby.