When seventy-two perfectly browned, shiny on the outside, promising soft, steaming, chewy crumb on the inside, bagels arrive at the open door of our rotating bagel oven,
It’s like winning a prize.
We pull ourselves out of bed at 1:30 and into a cold shop to bake the day’s bagels… Once the oven is full to capacity with boiled, bagel shaped lumps of dough (that’s 36 dozen), it’s finally time for the first bagels of the morning to start coming out.
Look at these beauties!

Once that first shelf of bagels is out of the oven, every 3 minutes another batch of hot, browned bagels will arrive finished at the oven door. And it goes on like that for the next 2 hours. The task of baking bagels involves facing a 460 degree oven, keeping up the pace, and taking care not to under or over-bake, miss any seeds, or drop even one precious bagel. And when this hot and precise process is finished… breakfast is served!
Back in what I’ll call “the glory days” of Bagel Grove (was that just 2 months ago??!), we repeated the process that I just described, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. We had a staff of 20 people taking the bagels from their humble beginnings as a bag of flour… to dressing them up with fancy cream cheese and farm fresh eggs. But for now, access to these delectable bagels is pretty exclusive.
When you order, you’re getting bagels made the old fashioned way, baked in the wee hours of the morning, and delivered to your door only hours later. But there’s more to it. When you get your dozen bagels delivered on a Friday or Saturday morning, you’re not only receiving an artisan, fresh product… You’re helping to preserve a tradition.
Thank you for supporting us through your orders, your kind feedback and your patience!